Environmentally friendly
Methods of farming at Madibri are friendly to the environment and are
practiced within the De Tweede Spruit Conservancy.
Farming methods include:

  • Drip irrigation which saves water
  • Use of rain and waste water
  • Biological disease management and fertilization
  • Processing and use of waste plant material

Nico obtained a Bsc Agric degree from the University of Pretoria. He regularly consults prospective and existing farmers. He has also presented workshops on fynbos growing at garden centres and garden clubs.


  • Clients over the world are supplied with fynbos plants.
  • Local farmers and retail nurseries form a mayor client base.
  • Cut flowers are exported throughout the year to Europe.
  • Locally cut flowers are sold at Multiflora in Johannesburg and also to private clients.
Quality and diversity

Madibri is a member of the South African Nursery Association, Indigenous Plants. Cutflowers from Madibri has been awarded a Gold Medal at the Gardenex Show, the largest gardening show in South Africa. A variety of fynbos plants are grown at Madibri. Nico continually adds to the available plant list by making selections and sourcing new plant material.